...being a complete list of all the changes made to the info.txt files between Psiband 1.0.7 and Psiband 1.0.7b, as made by Jonathan Ellis. ##### CHANGES TO A_INFO.TXT ##### # The One Ring is now *seriously* munchkinish. It has also been restored to # its former rarity. Other high resists added to the Three Rings, also restored to # original rarity ratings. # RES_PSI added to the following items: Ingwe (also now gives an int boost), # The One Ring, Bladeturner, Soulkeeper, Caspanion, the Massive Iron Crown, # Thengel, Holhenneth, Gondor, Thorongil, Theoden, Aeglos and some others. # A few more high resists have been sprinkled around some of the rarer artifacts. # And some of the really nasty weapons get extra attacks - for instance, Crisdurian # (which slays everything and resists nothing - normally not worth using. Will now # be *nice* for warriors - provided you are willing to not have any resists or stat # boosts in the weapon slot, which is what most weapons end up being used for.) # And some other items have small speed boosts... ##### CHANGES TO E_INFO.TXT ##### # Armor and Shields of Resist Poison! No more waiting for poison resistance at # 2000'... but Resist Poison does *NOT* occur on Resistance or Elvenkind armor. # From OAngband: Helmet of Serenity (resist confusion and sound), Boots of # Stability (resist nexus). And Cloaks of Protection now give shards resist, # rather than introduce a new type of cloak (also from OAngband. # Added ammo brands of Lightning and Acid. # Helmet of Brilliance - increases int and wis, telepathy, resistance to psionics. # "Seeing" and "Infravision" have been combined into one to make room for this... # Helmets of the Magi and Lordliness also resist psionics. So do the new helmets # of Serenity. (Think: something that allows you to keep your mind clear, without # confusions and distractions of noise.) # Boots of Speed now resist inertia, and the new (from OAngband) Boots of Stability # resist gravity as well as nexus. Both of these seem logical enough... ### NOTE: new ego-types occupy slots 10, 21, 60, 120 and 121. The code must ### ### be hacked to allow these items to be generated in the game, otherwise ### ### they are just so much redundant text in this file. Most preferable would ### ### be hacking the code to allow *all* available slots to have an ego-item ### ### in, and if an "empty" slot was generated then simply rerolling until a ### ### "full" slot was generated. ### ### ANOTHER NOTE: The new types of Helmet, and the new Cloak of Protection, ### ### are in slots formerly occupied by different egos. Therefore, these will ### ### be generated as standard: only the five ego-slots mentioned above are ### ### needing code-hacking to allow their generation. ### ##### CHANGES TO K_INFO.TXT ##### # As we know, psionic foci have been added to the list. Some objects have # gone in order to make room for them - most notably, the rings for sustaining # one single stat. (AH.) In place of this, those rings and amulets which add to # one stat also now sustain that stat as well as giving a bonus to it. (JLE.) # RES_PSI added to some objects - Metapsionic foci, Amulets of the Magi. # Now, *all* third level foci are immune to destruction. But first and second # level metapsionic foci can be destroyed by lightning. # Amulets of the Magi now give bonuses and sustains to int and wis. # Ring of Searching (useless) replaced by a much deeper and rarer Ring of # Sustaining (sustain all stats) # From my personalised version of vanilla: Poison resistance rings are now a # 2000' item, rings of speed 3500'. ##### CHANGES TO R_INFO.TXT ##### ### From my own personalized version of vanilla Angband ### # Jabberwocks are back! In place of the Chaos beetle, and now a multi-hued "H". # (This change comes from ZAngband.) The description has also been restored # to its former glory. # "Pink" strength-draining monsters have gone back to "red". Where there is # confusion caused by two different types of the same "giant red" monster, the # strength drainers are red and the fiery monsters have become "fire" monsters: # giant fire ant, killer fire beetle, giant fire tick, and similar. # From ZAngband: Smeagol has 400 hp and DROP_GREAT 90% of the time. # All dragons are now evil (formerly, bronze and gold were not - neither were # Great Wyrms of Law and Balance, even though Law and Balance Drakes were evil), # and none are natural (the Shadow Drake used to be) - with the exception of the # Dracolisk (allowed to remain natural because it is half basilisk.) # All Quylthulgs are now evil and natural (formerly, Quylthulgs and Nexus # Quylthulgs were not, but all others were, so this has been brought into line.) # The Emperor Quylthulg summons more stuff and has EMPTY_MIND as well as being # multi-hued (to accord with his description.) # Acidic cytoplasms were worth less xp than gelatinous cubes despite being far # nastier. Their xp value has been boosted by a factor of five. # Pazuzu is described as a demon twice: so he has been changed to a "U". The # Phoenix is now the king of all birds. # Some Dragon uniques have had Tolkienian breaths added: i.e. Ancalagon now # breathes fire as well as acid ("LotR" describes his dragonfire as the hottest # ever) and Glaurung now breathes poison as well as fire (his very presence is # foul and poisonous according to "The Silmarillion". Also see below for further # dragon changes... # "Kobolds" now appear deeper and are worth more xp than "Small Kobolds". # This was done simply by moving them from level 1 to 2 - it doubled the xp value # at a stroke. They have slightly more hps as well. # Cave Ogres were worth less xp than Black Ogres despite being nastier: # likewise, Fire Giants were worth less than Frost Giants. This has been # corrected. # Orc captains have escorts. So do master yeeks. And the new monsters, troll # and ogre chieftains (trolls and ogres being obviously tribal creatures, like orcs.) # Ogre Shamans have become chieftain-shamans, and have escorts. They have also # been swapped in depth with Lokkak (not a shaman: he rules his own tribe by # brute force alone.) # Eldraks have become troll chieftains, and also have escorts. The depths of # Eldraks, Ettins and Rogrog the Black Troll have been swapped around a bit. # Finally, the Spirit Troll has become a (G)host. # One thing has bugged me since Moria: clear icky things were worth only 1 xp, # white icky things were worth 2 - despite the fact that clears are more dangerous # simply because they are invisible. Their xp values have been reversed: whites # are worth 1, clears are worth 2. # Undead beholders had four attacks, two of them non-damaging: normal beholders # had four damaging attacks. Damage of 2d4 in each case has been added to the # undead beholder's non-damaging attacks. # The Tarrasque is now "natural". # Hound attacks have been changed. It seemed ridiculous that animals with one # mouth and two front claws should get three bites and one claw attack. So they # now (after nexus and vibration hounds, anyway) have two claws and two bites. # Earlier hounds only bite, but up to three times in one round. # Vecna and Feagwath have been swapped: Feagwath is merely an undead sorcerer, # while Vecna (from AD&D) was powerful enough to challenge the gods and become one. # Colours of the two unique Liches have been changed as well: yellow and purple # (both were formerly the same colour as master liches. Other changed colours are: # Mughash is red. Grishnakh and Golfimbul are yellow. Bolg and Azog are purple. # The Emperor Quylthulg is multi-hued. # Lugdush and Ugluk have been swapped: Ugluk was Lugdush's commander in LotR. # The Emperor Quylthulg now summons more stuff, and has EMPTY_MIND. # Fewer monsters are right- or left-handed (i.e. having two claw/hit attacks, one # much more powerful than the other.) Certainly not dragons or hounds. # Energy vortex stats have been equalized with the other elemental vortices: # previously they had more hps and more xp-value for no apparent reason. # "Muar" has become "The Balrog of Moria": "Murazor" has become simply "The # Witch-King of Angmar". # Two monsters have been made harder: the Balrog of Moria has had his original # Moria speed of "very fast" returned to him, and xp value increased accordingly: # and Glaurung is now "very fast" (in both cases, changed from "I:120.x.x.x.x" # to "I:130.x.x.x.x".) and also has a higher xp value to match. # A few more monsters have the DROP_GREAT flag: they are sufficiently late in # the game (with one exception) that this should not be unbalancing. They are: # The Witch-King (Lord of the Ringwraiths, surely has access to powerful magic) # Vecna (one of the most powerful liches of all time in AD&D) # Saruman (why should his servant have a better drop than he himself does?) # Glaurung (Father of the Dragons - dragon-hoards are legendary, and he did # have all of Nargothrond to choose from) # Mim (who had the pick of Nargothrond after Glaurung's death...) # Two descriptions changed: Gothmog (added the fact that he has slain three # Noldorin High Kings - Feanor, Fingon and I've credited him with Turgon as well # since the fall of Gondolin, during which he was the commander of Morgoth's army) # and Grape Jelly (added "Yum! It looks quite tasty") # Dragon melee attacks have been upgraded from vanilla. (But downgraded from # Psiband 1.0.7, where they were too powerful for the warrior class to melee them.) # Three new monsters have been added, including two uniques (Eol and Maeglin.) # Three old monsters have given way: Tiamat is gone, Ancalagon has her place as # the greatest of dragonkind, Glaurung is now where Ancalagon used to be in the list # (I thought he deserved to be a lot more powerful than Itangast, Smaug, Scatha # and normal Great Wyrms, instead of about the same level as Itangast) and # that leaves room for Eol at dungeon level 49 in the right order in the monster # list. The group-monster form of Hell Hound has gone, to be replaced by the # Greater Balrog (non-unique), and the functions of Carcharoth and Cerberus have # been combined into one animal (under Carcharoth's name) to make room for # Maeglin. So two uniques and one non-unique have been replaced by two uniques # and one non-unique. # All the three new ones come straight from KAngband with only minor # adjustments needed (such as the removal of flags that do not exist in the # vanilla version of the game.) ### Psiband-specific changes ### # New Psionicist monsters added! The human ones are yellow (a colour not used # in Ben Harrison's colour scheme for classes, e.g. red for mages, green for # priests). The replacements are as follows (I couldn't add new monsters to the # list, so some old ones had to go.) # Fundin Bluecloak replaced! He was originally the first winner of Angband (as # Evil Iggy was the first winner of Moria) so I have replaced him with the first # known winner of recent versions of Psiband - Tar-Palantir the Wise, named after # the far-sighted Numenorean king of that name (my winner being a Dunadan # psionicist.) # Large grey snake replaced by Novice Psionicist (single monster). Novice # Archer (single) replaced by Novice Psionicist (group monster). Druid # replaced by Psionicist, Patriarch replaced by Master Psionicist. (Why do we # need yet another mid-level mage-type or high-level priest-type when there are # already loads?) # Mind flayers renamed "illithids" (the name comes from AD&D). Master illithids # in place of the Dread group monster. # New unique: Ilsenine, the Illithid God-Brain - lord of the mind flayers. # The two unique Q monsters combined into one (Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg) # to make room for Ilsenine. He, by the way, is light green (from the description # in the AD&D "Monster Mythology" manual), thus breaking the colour scheme which # has psionicists as normally being yellow. # Fewer monsters have psionic attacks compared to the original Psiband 1.0.7. ##### CHANGES TO V_INFO.TXT ##### # Slight changes: all lesser vaults have now at least two guaranteed "good" # items but each is guarded by a monster up to 9 levels out of depth (a few # "&" symbols have been changed to "9".) Similarly, a few more "8" symbols # have been added to Greater Vaults: the four spaces in the middle of the # "Butterfly" and "Traps" vaults now have "8", and the three in the centre # of the central chamber in a "Chambers" vault. Again, the choice is the # player's: go for the great objects and meet a monster up to 40 levels out # of depth, or alternatively cut and run... I thought vaults should have at # least a couple of guaranteed "good" objects (lesser) or "great" (greater), # I don't like the concept of a vault with no good objects at all. Two "good" # surely isn't excessive for a lesser vault, nor three "great" for a greater # vault, considering that the items are guarded... -JLE.